

How the kingdom of Elbaf is structured !

Firstly I want to clarify for all that Elbaf has a visible Viking/Norse theme so all my analysis will be based mostly on norse mythology. In the norse cosmology there are Nine Homeworlds connected from the tree Yggdrasil as follows:

l. These are:

1. Asgard, the home of the Æsir ruled by the god Odin

2. Álfheimr/Ljósálfheimr, the home of the Ljósálfar

3. Niðavellir/Svartálfaheimr, the home of the Dwarves who are also synonymous with the Dökkálfar and Svartálfar

4. Midgard (Earth), the home of humans

5. Jötunheimr/Útgarðr, the home of the Jötnar (Giants)

6. Vanaheimr, the home of the Vanir

7. Niflheim, a world of ice and snow

8. Muspelheim, a world of fire and lava and home of the Jötunn Surtr

9. Hel(heimr), the home of the dishonorable dead sometimes synonymous with (Located within) Niflheim and ruled by the goddess Hel

and there are six races:

1. Menn (humans): Miðgarðr.

2. Aesir (gods): Ásgarðr.

3. Vanir (gods): Vanaheimr.

4. Jötnar (giants): Jötunheimr/Útgarðr.

5. Álfar (elves): Álfheimr/Ljósálfheimr.

6. Náir (corpses, the dishonorable dead): Helheimr.


The world tree conects all homeworlds and as others have speculated it might be the Treasure Tree Adam. Well I’m gonna tell you it is Adam because as Franky told us the Adam tree withstood a great war and the inhabitants always came and built their civilisation around it and I believe this story is that of the war between 20 kings and AK. Secondly, and most importantly the Yggdrasil is an ash tree, and guess what in japan the ash tree is called Aodamo( quite fitting isn’t it 

On the top of the Yggdrasil resides a giant eagle and as @Monkey D Theories said it could be a giant thunderbird protecting Elbaf and this thunderbird might have arrived from Roger by that big egg on his ship.


Along the trunk travels the squirrel Ratatoskr carrying insults between the dragon Nidhugg and the Giant Thunderbird and this squirrel can be a sor of Tanuki, finally the guys will see a real Tanuki and stop calling Chopper that name 



This is obviously going to be the island where the SH will first arrive at sea level with Yggdrasil’s trunk at it’s center. I think this serves as a place where different races from Giants to humans interact and trade together. Also Midgard is protected by a deer maybe Bropper can befriend it 


Asgard is a top of the tree and is the place where Gods reside. Here is the main castle of God Elbaf which as noted by @Monkey D Theories is based on Odin the Allfather but I believe that’s pretty obvious and is further reaffirmed by the fact one of the princes is named Loki. I think God Elbaf is the oldest giant, the very founder of Elbaf, and ofc strongest one having 3 types of Haki. He is accompained by the wolves Geri and Freki that devour entire banquets and I believe they will loose an eating contest with Luffy and the ravens Huginn and Muninn (thought and memory) who bring him info from all over his kingdom and rides the flying steed steed Sleipnir.

I think God Elbaf has 2 sons Loki who is an expert in CoO and Thor that mastered CoA.

Secondly another important place in Asgard is Valhalla, the hall of the honourable dead. I think here reside the best of Elbaf warriors, the army BM wanted so much, in halls where they train with the warrior prince of strength Thor and here is the place Usopp will so much admire.
Last but not the least, in a special place in Valhalla may reside the last Road Poneglyph. Why? Because Odin is also asociated with the rune script, and for those who do not know Oda was inspired to create the Poneglyphs from the real runestones and OP itself was inspired by Vikings, so im 100% sure the great warriors of Elbaf can protect this stone.


The home of the Vanir, the Gods before Aesir reside here. Now there is only one place we have actually seen use the title of God instead of king and yes that is another island in the Sky; Skypeia.
I think there was another kingdom to use the title of God and that is the now destroyed Birka. Birka has a highly religious island as we have seen from Enel and his priests, the only survivours but also from the Mad Monk Urogue another survivour. Also the name Birka, comes from a scandinavian city of Birka.

But how did they communicate with Elbaf. Well I believe the giants used the famous Bifrost-the rainbow bridge, guarded by the allseeing god Heimdallr. I think Birka and Elbaf interacted a lot in the past before Enel destroyed the link between them.

Other things they have in common is also the ability Odin and Heimdallr have which is to see everything happening on the 9realms and I think it is a product of Mantra, the same way Enel used it to oversee everything happening in Skypeia. Also Gan Fall, God of Skypeia, which was near Birka rode a flying horse maybe like Odin’s steed, and about Urogue’s weapon which is like a big pillar, Oda stated in an SBS it is an oversized pencil, maybe it is really a pencil made for the Giants he took grab before falling on the sea after Birka’s destruction.

Usopp and Elbaf
As we all know Elbaf arc is going to be Usopp’s arc and is his dream to go in this island. Im gonna be a little creative on this part and I will base his quest like the tale of the Brave tailorAfter SH disembark in Midgard and be greeted by Hajrudin I think he would have told Elbaf warriors about the great deeds God Usopp has made. Some of Valhalla's warriors will laugh and not believe a small man can be that strong but Usopp will prove them wrong by accidentaly knocking off 7 of them like a dominoe chain reaction and defeat 7 of them in one blow. Impressed with the eyes poping out the other warriors will invite him in Asgard to meet God Elbaf. Here i think Usopp will accidentaly accept a challenge by God Elbaf, thinking it will be an aknowledgement of his strength but actually they are a set of tests for the strongest of warriors. Why you ask? Well since as I said Elbaf is very similar to Birka, Enel reserved for visitors the or Orderals which were 4 Orderals with very few chances of passing them. I think Usopp will face these 4 Orderals too which he will pass through his wittness:

-Orderal of Speed-administered by Freyr. Here Usopp mist catch a golden hair of Gullinbursti the golden boar that swims very fast. Usopp will drain the water through his black pachinko making Gullinbursti unable to swim fast anymore then shoot at him catching the whole beast not just a hair.

-Orderal of Precission-administered by the guard Heimdallr a master of CoO which he must shoot something far away where he will triumph by his CoO and master sniping.

-Orderal of Truth-administered by the trickster Prince Loki. This will be a test of mind where Usopp must reason to see through Lokis deception and I think he will make Loki loose his cover by shouting a lie making him show the trick accidentally in a comical way.

-Orderal of Strength- administred by Prince Thor where he must throw sonething as far as he can. Si ce all weapons are made for giants and are very heavy Usopp will try to lie the giants with his Usopp hammer but mistakingly he will grab Thor's hammer the Mjolnir a weapon that only the worthy can carry making every giant in the room including hinself pop the eyes out of their skulls .

Before the last Orderal of Bravery will be carried by God Elbaf himself they shall be interrupted from an attack either marines or BM or whomever will be the bad guys of this arc leaving the question ofbravery unresolved maybe until he reaches his dream 

Now for the remaining territories of Elbaf which are located u der the earth I believe a great foreshadow was this:

Yes the fire and ice parts of Punk Hazard I think represend the two remaining worlds:


The primordial fire i think will be located ubder the earth. Here it will be inhabitated by Dwarves which i think resemble a famous figure we know

and also Oda intended to make a dwarf shipright too for the SH.

The Klaubtermann are spirits in German folklore that inhabit ships like the obe we have seen or mines. I think he will fuse the mine Klaubtermanns with the dwarven blacksmiths of norse mythology. They will be the ones to craft the rare Adam Wood and maybe even mine and forge the rare Liquore Iron out of the heats of Muspelheim.

Now the second thing about this realm is this:

Yes I think in Muspelheim just like on flame Punk Hazard lives the great dragon Nidhugg gnawing at the roots of the tree abd this is a real dragon. Nidhugg lives with other serpents(dragons) there one of which i think right now is on Wano.

Why there you ask?

Well I think Zorro as the 'reincarnation' of Ryuma will slay this dragon Kinemon hates so much being a hero for Wano Kongdom. And to those who think the dragon is asiatic i must tell you that in Ryuma's story which Oda has incorporated in OP timeline the dragon was european abd he was being controlled by this:

I think Kaido somohow managed to grab hold of that horn which is in Elbaf to control the dragon and furthermore that horn is similar to these horns used by Vikings/Elbafians too:

and in norse mythology there is a magicalhorn the Gjallahorn kept by Heimdallr.


The world of primordial ice where the frost giants abide. On Punk Hazard on the ice part wad Ceasar's lab and as mentioned by some if Vegapunk is on Elbaf his lab might be here. Also I wanna note that the giants like Oars or Kaido which quite probably are some WG experiment represent the Frost Giants.
Remeber how Oars was found by Moria in an icy place where he died and how Kaido's residence is in a winter island, it's like they have an affinity for ice. Here the SH might meet the children of Punk Hazard abd Dr Vegapunk will finally explain the mechanisms of Devil Fruits as Oda has said, also it will be narrated in conection to the tree Adam-Yggdrasil and the tree Eve probably.


As we all know the Ragnarok is tge foretold apocalypse of norse mythology. I think it us sonething the giants of Elbaf believe too whene the Gods-WN will fall and freedom will triumph. I'd like to note three curious analogies here:

1-It is said that when the world encircling snake Jormungandr releases his tail and falls beneath the sea the Ragnarok will begin abd the world will be taken in great tides. And that is the great serpent soaked in blood blood mentioned by dory and brogy the Red Line.

2-When Jormungandr will fall from the depths of Hel will rise the ship of the dead Naglfar made from the nails of the dead.
This is to support those thoughts tgat the battleship Pluton is in Elbaf underground because Naglfar is in Hel and Pluton is the god of the dead and is located u derground. Also another mythological ship , Skíðblaðnirwith the ability to fit into ones pocket and ve summoned when you need it. This is the same like Pluton that the shipwrights of Water7 fitted in their pockets through the blueprients waiting to be built again when needed.

Thank you for reading ! Blackwing - OroJackson

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